Stories of disconnection in Scientology

                                        Chris Eisenman

I am from Key Biscayne Florida; but went to Delphi School in Oregon, I didn’t graduate from Delphi, I left at age 16 to join the Sea Org. My Parents and brothers (1 older and my twin) have disconnected, along with their wives, and by default the children.

I am lucky to have my nuclear family circle intact. I won’t say I am a victim of Scientology, because if I was a  Scientology “victim” I would still be in it! 🙂 Hence a “target” seems appropriate.

Here’s how I look at it, Disconnection only applies to Scientologists, not anyone else. None of us are under any obligation to go along with it. That said, anything you fight against can make it stronger.

So how do you end something you don’t like? You come up with something else that makes the previous system obsolete. To me that system is LOVE, the most powerful force in the cosmos IMHO. So how do we communicate our love in a way that has impact? What if we all communicated to our loved one all at the same time? Sent flowers, card, stripograms at FLAG, lol. Any ideas?

Ya see how Scientology lies?  They say disconnection is voluntary and a personal decision of the person doing the disconnecting.  Now look at the bottom of your declare order.  It says “your ONLY terminal is the International Justice Chief via your Continental Justice Chief”. 

“Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner”    Mahatma Gandhi

Good advice I think, Disconnection sucks (or blows, for that matter) BUT it is done by people who are afraid. People in fear need love more than anything. We all have our path to walk.

We can only help those who wish to be helped. Leading by example is one of the most effective solutions I can offer as it doesn’t create martyrs or resistance to fight against. To do well after leaving Scn is a very effect to supression.

I started a group on Facebook called:

“Scientology Disconnection Targets: How Many Are We?” 

I would like to say that this group has nothing to do with what each of us believe, simply that we are all bonded through broken bonds.

I prefer to be inclusive while demonstrating love and compassion. We all have value, we all have common bonds in that we wish to be heard, seen and appreciated for who we are. Diversity is our strength, kindness our original nature, love our birthright. Give and you will receive back in kind.


                            Lars Roest

My brother has now been in the cult for 37 years, he currently at Flag.
I was in for 2.5 years in the early 80’s. The last place I was at was at Gold Era Productions

My brother has not spoken to me since he joined the SeaOrg in 1990, his name is Jens Emil Roest; I don’t know his post, all I know is that he handles cars. I miss him very much and if anyone knows about him please let me know how is he doing.

Funny thing is that I wouldn’t mind that he is there, as long as that is what he wants and I can have a relationship to him.



                                   Mark Plummer

 I have an 18 year-old granddaughter I’ve never met.



                                        Meshell Little

My now 21 year old son, Jeremy Powers, disconnected from me, his step-dad, his baby sister and grandmother – two years ago this October. 

At this time, his dad (whom had been on staff and in Scn with me back in 90’s and quietly walked away in 2004 when we divorced, without being declared) was diagnosed with grade 4 brain cancer about 17 months ago and he is now at the end of his life.

It is a tough time now as we can’t pull together.  My daughter has lost her companion, brother and we will have to go through this without him.



                                  Lori Hodgson

I have a son and daughter that have disconnected from me and my mom.  Also my stepsister disconnected from us plus many friends. 

I hate this disconnection crap!!!  I miss my kids so much…it is very painful to have our loved ones taken away from us because of an inhumane, evil, cult disconnection policy!!!!! 

My heart goes out to all of you!!

 I wanted to share a couple things regarding this disconnection and how hard the rejection has been when I have attempted to see my kids.

Last Christmas I drove to where my kids were living with their Dad. This is when they still lived in Cal within 40 minutes away. I brought them both Xmas presents and no one was home so I left a loving note and their presents on the doorstep. As I was leaving their home, my son drove by me and went to the end of the street. I then slowly drove by him…we looked at each other then he continued to go to the other end of the street, he hesitated a couple minutes and took off in the hills. I gave him the chance to see me and stop if he wanted to. I wasn’t going to go chase him down. I also saw him on the phone while he drove by me, probably getting orders of what to do. A couple weeks later my daughter had dropped off the unopened presents at my door when I was away for the weekend.

Another time my daughter before she disconnected came to talk to me and my mom. I asked her if I could just be her mom and that we don’t have to agree on the same thing anymore, but there is so much more in life then just this Scientology disagreement. She said I couldn’t just be her mom anymore because I wouldn’t go back in and get things handled in the COS. She was very angry at my mom and I and said hurtful things to us. She was really upset at me that I went public about what John Allender did which was threatening me in my work parking lot and following me across state lines to Texas.

I have tried to continue to send them loving Cards, messages and songs. The rejection of no response just breaks my heart. Some people tell me to move on and just hope that it will all work out. I tried that too…didn’t work for me.

I’ve decided I gotta keep fighting for my kids. They are worth it no matter how they treat me back. I know they are not thinking for themselves and they are told a lot of lies!!! Now I’m going to even try harder to get through to them through all means possible. I’m not afraid to ask my family and friends to help me. I need their help too! I’m going for it!!!!

This sitting back waiting for things to get better isn’t working for me so now it’s time to go for it again and again until we reconnect.!!!!! I think we all should go for it and share our ideas so we can reconnect with our loved ones!! We gotta keep trying. I know if I was in my kids shoes, I would want someone to fight for me.


                                  Patricia Krenik

Hi.  I’m Patricia Krenik, I’ve been in Scientology since the 1950’s.  The current disconnection policy of the COS leaves me with a daughter with the Church in Seattle and a divided family.  When we have family get-to-gethers we have to do it piecemeal. 

When my daughter’s father died I was unable to visit him before his death–I would have liked to say goodbye and I’m sure he would have liked that too. 

I have had preclears who can’t divulge their relationship with the COS to others, because if the Church found out either family members would disconnect or business relationships would fall apart.


                                        Tory Christman

GodI hate “Disconnection”! I always hated it when I was “in” and people would be labeled “SP” and basically then you’re not allowed to speak to them. How can someone be THE top dog in LA (Ivan Obalensky–Commanding officer of AOLA) and SP the next day? Now I know.

 I was declared SP over night, without ONE piece of “Tech” applied (And to any who do not know–there are many things that are SUPPOSED to be done, before one is declared “SP”).

Over night, I lost ALL of my “friends” and my husband of 27 years who has not spoken to me in 11 years–even though part of our marriage vows (Never considering being Declared, but just in case some disaster occurred)…we would ALWAYS remain friends. Sad, and true. 😦

  Losing my husband was horrific. I speak out due to ALL the families who have lost their children to this insidious CULT of $cientology, or relationships they *could* have had, IF this evil “Disconnection” were cancelled. Peace to ALL Tory/Magoo


                              Sharone Stainforth

I  have a Father who was disconnected from me at the age of 12 years old, because L. Ron Hubbard deemed it his right to do so, because, apparently my Father was an SP. I have two stepmothers who I am also disconnected from because of Scientology, one of my own choosing because I could take it no more.

I am disconnected from my step sister because she can not handle the truth about L. Ron Hubbard or her own Father.Consequently I have never seen or known my nieces or nephew. Because of Scientology I haven’t seen my two  step brothers since 1969, because I was loath to continue with Scientology because I had witnessed too many horrendous incidents on the ship Apollo, directly at the hand of L. Ron Hubbard. I spent years alienated from my Grand Mother because she was deemed a big SP for going to the News of the World newspaper with a story of Disconnection from her youngest daughter.

That youngest daughter whom claims to this day to have learned such a lot from Scientology, that she holds some of the standards in good stead, and has helped her through life.

The same person, whom as I as a young child was told stop biting your finger nails and I will buy you a manicure set and never did. I gave it up when I was 21, because of a bet. The same person, whom,said I think out of all of us you had the roughest deal here.

Well, there’s the statement of the year. YOU seem to be doing well now, yes great until I came face to face with an E- meter.And then of course there’s the odd strange stuff, as IF we can get any stranger.

My step sister’s  Father married to my step Mother is the accountant for Narconon and Criminon, Scientology’s front groups. I start talking about it and very suddenly he retires in the UK. Well, what a SURPRISE! That’s the short version.


                                    Grace Aaron

Hi! After writing reports pointing out specific technical references that were violated by some Golden Age of Tech courses I was questioned and eventually declared suppressive. Our older son, Zachary, was told that he had to disconnect from me, his father and his brother who is not even a Scientologist. He did that so that he could stay in good standing. He hasn’t been in communication with any us for over 10 years!
My husband and I created a nonprofit called “The Committee on Religious Shunning”. If you go to our website you’ll see videos of me interviewing other victims of disconnection:

I hope that the media attention Katie Holmes created will force the Church to abandon disconnection. I urge all of you to make blog comments on articles about this in the media. Especially mainstream media that doesn’t generally cover this topic. The more interest they see, the more they’ll publish!

We miss Zack very much. If any of you has any news about …

him, we’d really appreciate it if you’d contact us. In peace,
Grace Aaron

Jane White from South Africa

This guy – a Corporate Scientologist named Ryan Hogarth – who is now working for himself as ‘a social speaker’ –  x-Sea Org member, x-President of the Church of Scientology in South Africa – is responsible for having – disconnected my grandson at the age of 18 months – from his biological father. 
And as a bonus – Ryan also gave the biological father ‘permission’ not to pay maintenance – to see to the upkeep and education of his child, which is a criminal offence in our country.   This boy so ‘disconnected’ has grown up without knowing his own father. 
You can imagine what kinds of turmoil and real hardships this brought to the life of this child.

                     This is Ryan Hogarth

He claims to be a Communication Speaker & Social Media Catalyst, whatever that means. He, as a high exec of the Church of Scientology South Africa is responsible for breaking many families.

In his business blog he also claims to be an expert in communication and his motto is: “Please, Make the Mistake of Communicating”. He glorifies himself as the “best” and “most interesting speaker” of the year, and  ” a fast thinker that knows how to capture an audience he definitely has the gift of oratory”.

He posted in one of his articles: “Be there. Communicate! After all, this is what makes life”.  Ryan Hogarth, why don’t you practice what you preach?

23 responses to “Stories of disconnection in Scientology

  1. Know him personally

    Ryan Hogarth is actually an idiot. Suddenly he has gone from being a scientologist (kicked out the org) to an expert speaker. If you meet him you will see how immature he is. Just a complete and utter bullshitter of note! His own son only has a grade 7 and worked in the org with me for many years. Not a bad guy his son. But what parent gives their child an option to leave school in grade 7. WTF! Listen to his speeches. Just absolute hogwash (no pun intended). He Googles crap and then puts it in his speeches.

  2. Disconnection is one of the Churches’ most powerful tools to discipline its staff and members. From the Churches’ point of view it is indispensable and it will exist as long as this suppressive organization exists. Consequentially, there won’t be more disconnection after the Church collapses. This has to be achieved asap.

    • Daniel, if Scientology makes a person to be at cause over all eight Dynamics, disconnection does not make sense, on the contrary, it puts the person and those around him at effect. We are all well aware that the cancelled policy on disconnection is used as a destructive tool to violate the most basic rights of an individual, which is Communication.

      LRH says that a man is as alive as he can communicate. Those who follow the Policy are spiritually dead and in the condition of Confusion of the Dynamics. I agree…disconnection has to end.

  3. Ciao Aida, i’ve receive this letter, is now translated in English and is a present for all !
    Ciao dall’Italia !

    “YOUR FREEDOM ‘” Planet Earth AD 62

    This “Letter” has no political creed; it is addressed to all those who have, as main purpose in life, the attainment of spiritual freedom.

    I made a journey, a journey into another world. It could be an hallucination, it is up to you to decide whether it is or not.

    I will not use mincing words, I want to tell you how things are, now it is time that you lay down your weapons and retract your claws.

    Put away the sentences extracted from HCOBs or Policy Letters that you usually keep on the shelf where you keep your ammunition that you use to make yourself right and others wrong.

    You must stop denigrating others with words like squirrel, suppressive person; the “Merchant of Chaos” cracks up with laughters watching the fratricidal fight that he has successfully created. You should stop to feed it now.

    In hell there are neither beautiful nor ugly ones, but just damned.

    It’s your choice to stay or leave; if you are undecided as to whether or not to be on the “boat”, well … take your decision now.

    I claim to have solved my amnesia on the “Track”. To the question: “Can an OT succeed alone”? The answer is “YES”! But once he is out of the trap and he discovers that most of his friends are still mired inside, he may take the insane decision to go back inside again to help them out… with a single weapon in his hands: “Communication”.

    Some others have done the same before me, most likely some of you are here with my same purpose, so: If you’re here to help, then let us help you to help a friend, or should I say help yourself. If you need to be helped: let us help you, or rather, help yourself, then help a friend. From each of the two viewpoints, the end result is the same.

    If you believe that what I’m about to tell you has nothing to do with you, stop reading now, it is not necessary that you continue to read, otherwise if you decide to stay on the “same boat”, then continue.

    There are people whom I respect and admire in the “Church of Scientology” as there are in “Free Scientology” and, I must admit, that there are also few others who are not part of any of these two “factions”.

    The only thing you should feel as your “Duty” is: become an Auditor, become Clear and become OT. For me now it is not important if you decide to do that in one of the two factions, the important thing is that YOU do it.

    You know very well that it is necessary to reverse the downward spiral that is bringing us into an abyss; you know that since long time. This is the moment, when you are not allowed to wait any longer, the point of no return has been reached, from here on you decide if you can do it in this life! For more and more people become evident that the third dynamic Engram is going in violent restimulation: it needs to be audited out.

    In order to be able to do it we need that majority of the viewpoints associated to it are “there to perceive at ease”! Just watching the incident with that attitude and doing it simultaneously with other individuals, it can be destimulated.

    I repeat : “The majority of the viewpoints related to that Engram must be there to perceive at ease; after that they can watch it at the unison and each one may be able to recognize his share of ‘Responsibility’ about the incident, being able at first to destimolate it and then permanently deleting it.”

    The erasing step follow the destimulating one, for it is necessary that people proceed to the Higher Levels in order to do it.

    Do you wonder what this Engram is? … It’s life my friend, Life! You have no other choice, this is an action that you must perform in accordance with other OTs.

    It is not me who should give you the data from now on; a C/S is in training and when he is ready he will provide the exact technology to solve the whole thing.

    Level VIII, shall be made available to people based on the evaluation of our C/S, while for the Level IX it will be quite different. Apart from the decision of the C/S, the person asking to participate at that level will be assessed directly from the Theta Universe; there will be no OT Elegibility, the person will not be heard, but he/she will be judged according to its use of a simple and inborn ability that accompanies most of us since an infinite time.

    In this “letter” you will be able to understand what kind of skill it is; below you’ll find a valuable clue. Consider that Level VIII may take a couple of years, while the Level IX may last from seven to ten years; you will need to organize your life in order to have your time.

    I am not a strange Messiah who came to preach for peace; I am just someone who is asking you to take a break, because I’m really sorry to indicate to you: “You have failed to recognize your true friends.”

    This is demonstrated by the fact that you are fighting them and you’re trying to denigrate them.

    I’m simply a viewpoint with the ability to emanate knowledge inside this universe, so, make sure you understand these words, then decide for yourself if you want to use them or not. I’m not rooting for a “faction” or another; you can choose which team to support, but don’t deny to anyone the chance to apply the Standard Tech. This is something really wrong that goes against any goal whatsoever. From this viewpoint the worst crime is “to deny ourselves and others the application of Standard Tech”!

    It doesn’t matter which policy or law you appeal to; any attempt to deny it will be considered the real crime. As it is considered a crime to prevent someone else to progress spiritually. If you like, we can discuss about which team was the best, but we will face it like a pro in a very amateurish football match after dinner…. I assure you that we will discuss it, but outside, not in here.

    I do not know where Ron might be right now, but I have a suspicion, and for your amusement, I will tell you: “he stepped outside for a while to buy cigarettes and he is waiting for us just around the corner, outside this world ….”. If everything were to go wrong probably he will decide to return, so try to act in a way that he doesn’t need to pay this burden.

    Put some attention to the following sentence:

    “Right and wrong are two unreliable and quarreling juniors.

    “Truth and Awareness walk hand in hand along the path that leads to Spiritual Freedom.”

    I will not alter the definition of the word Theta, but I want to share with you my personal concept of the same word; consider it just a personal contribution to that definition: – “Theta: a wise and balanced set of Admiration, Humility, Love and Beauty to the highest level. “

    The carrier wave on which the purpose of this letter travel cannot be killed; it is too simple and it has been active in the moment of its creation.

    You can support these words and they will acquire more value. You can denigrate to the most, but even in that case, its purpose will acquire more value. The purpose of this letter is to transform the entheta in Theta.

    With all the possible Love

    Universal Elite

  4. Thanks for all your good work, Aida. Disconnection has certainly affected my business, but that pales in comparison to the stories you’ve published here.

    • Dear friend, you and many others have been affected by this impractical policy. I know of a scientologist who has a million dollar business and he’s out but he won’t say anything because he many several scientologists working for him and they will lose their jobs, because David Miscavige does not care about people’s lives and the brain washed MAAs/EOs are putting people at effect and they don’t care either, and all in the name of “freedom” and for what? for nothing!

      Lynn, tell us your story…

  5. Thanks for posting these, Aida. It’s important that these stories be remembered.

  6. There are interviews with over 300 former and ex-scn at

  7. Thank you for posting these. The hardest parts to come to grips with, for me, is the damage done especially to the children.

  8. Keep saying the truth and the lies will ultimately be dissolved. Really sad stories from really good and brave people. Keep going!

  9. Hi Chris Eisenman,

    I believe I knew your dad from the Miami org in the 70’s, was it Wayne? He may remember me as Deena Bruno. Always liked him. I was a public person who left 1980 to do some volunteer work for the GO for 4 years and never really got back in till last year and that was short lived. Now finally ending that old long cycle, beginning this year. It was a good experience to go back for a year and see the many changes. Now I have certainty on the dangers of the church and I still live in Clearwater. I was very fortunate to have had a wonderful marriage for 22 years outside of the church, tho we both had been in at some point. Just nice to know you have the truth and are free now. Dee Findlay

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